ANIBIC Vocational Training and Support
ANIBIC VOICE (Vocational Opportunities in Community Employment)
The Diagnostic Vocational Evaluation (DVE) is a comprehensive assessment that helps to indentify an individual’s strengths, needs, and interests related to work and employment. Over the course of fifteen days, individuals are given the opportunity to express their vocational desires and staff is given the opportunity to measure vocational preparedness. At the end of the fifteen days, individuals and their families meet with a coordinator to determine their work readiness. From there, individuals can choose to pursue non-vocational training, work readiness training, or job development depending on their preferences and skill sets.
Prevocational Training
Prevocational training is a self-paced program designed to assist individuals in preparing for entry into the workplace. The focus is on learning the soft skills necessary for appropriate behavior in the workplace. This includes punctuality, attire, self expression, stress management, and career exploration. Services are delivered both in the community and in-house. Community activities include volunteerism, job exploration, and job development. In-house activities focus on work samples that mimic real world workplaces. The overall focus of the program is to ensure that individual’s professional goals are in line with their interests.
Job Development
Employment opportunities are always identified using a person-centered plan approach. This ensures that jobs are a good fit for each individual’s abilities and goals. During Job Development individuals prepare resumes, cover letters, and applications. They learn how to write thank you notes and go on job interviews with the support of a job developer.
Intensive Job Coaching
With at least 90 hours of intensive, one-on-one job coaching, no individual is left to feel unprepared for their new job. Job analysis is prepared and task specific instruction is delivered to ensure that individuals can work as independently as possible. Extra hours of coaching are always available depending on need.
Supported Job Coaching
This program is intended for the individual who has graduated from intensive job coaching. The hours of service vary, but all individuals receive a minimum of two visits per month in order to indentify needs, review progress, and develop additional goals. Supported Job Coaching is provided as long as necessary, indefinitely if needed. If an individual is unhappy in a position for any reason, we will work with their employers to remedy the problem or help them explore other employment options.