ANIBIC Family Support Service Coordination
Service coordinators assist individuals with disabilities and their caregivers in accessing services. We can help provide access to a range of support including in-home services, transportation, education, day programs, vocational training, recreation, and medical needs. We also offer planning services for families to help provide access to respite services, guardianship information, and caregiver support groups. Our ultimate goal is to help our individuals become as independent as possible and to help families and caregivers in achieving these goals.
Family Support Service Coordination (or Non-Medicaid Service Coordination) is a service for individuals who do not have Medicaid benefits. Service coordinators assist in applying for financial entitlements and the Medicaid Waiver. ANIBIC does provide several programs for those without Medicaid and service coordinators can assist in accessing them. For more information, please see Family Services.
Service coordination is available to anyone ages 4 or older that is a resident of Queens and has a documented developmental disability.